What is the fee structure to business?
The fee structure to business is by negotiation and is dependent on the service and outcomes being requested.
How soon can I have an appointment?
The Aim of Lifeworks 4 Me is to respond to the needs of the individual as quickly as possible and the intention is to have provide an appointment within a two week time frame. One of the key deliverables of the service is to provide an after hours service to meet the needs of people who cannot access services during work hours.
Do I have a watertight guarantee that meeting with you will change my life?
Unfortunately there are no guarantee's that your life will be transformed overnight following an appointment. The process of career/life/work planning requires you to take responsibility for steps towards meaningful change.
However by accesing the services of Lifeworks 4 Me you will be provided with resources and strategies to enable you to start to bring about the changes you desire.
LIfeworks 4 Me works with anyone who is seeking assistance in life/work transitions. Richard Vernall of LIfeworks 4 Me has experience in working with the following groups.
School leavers
University graduates
People facing redundancy
People returning to work after a workplace injury
People returning to work after raising a family
New Migrants
People with disabilities
People who have been out of the workforce for a significant time
At risk teenagers
Mature workers
Do you specialise in working with one particular client group?
It is important that you to do some research before choosing a career consultant to work with however the benefits that Lifeworks 4 Me can offer you include:
A commitment to providing you with a number of strategies and follow up that can assist you with your transition
Provision of a flexible service that will endeavour to meet with you at a time and place of your choice where possible
Richard Vernall of Lifeworks 4 Me is a professional member of CDANZ and is bound by a code of ethics that ensures that any work undertaken with you is completed in a confidential and respectful manner
If we find that we are unable to work together every effort will be made to refer you to an appropriate counsellor
How do I know that you are the right consultant for me?
Yes – There are a number of practical resources that you can access from the website and you are encouraged to browse through these resources prior to an appointment.
Do you have resources on the website I can use prior to meeting with you?
Lifeworks 4 Me will provide ongoing support by either phone or email in between appointments and follow up with you within four weeks of your last appointment.
The ongoing support is generally an added value service, and is provided to check that you are on track with what has been discussed in a previous appointment however if the support exceeds 15mins in duration the normal fee structure will be incurred on a pro rata basis i.e. 30 mins follow up would equate to .5 of a 1 hour session.
What level of support do you provide?
How much value do you place on your future success? Listed below are a few sobering thoughts to reflect on.
The Top 10 jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004
268,000 people in NZ between 20-40 only have NCEA Level 1
Around 50% of students attending study below degree level do not complete their training - NZ Herald 10/2/2010
In 2018 it is estimated that approximately 90,000 young New Zealanders (15 -24 years) are not in employment or education.
According to AA statistics 2010 the annual fixed cost (fixed costs plus running costs of a medium sized car 1500-2000cc) is $8,284.94c. What value do you place on the work you undertake throughout your lifetime?
A small investment that will provide you with informed future proofed decision making processes over a 20, 30, or 40 year period will reap significant returns.
How can you convince me that career guidance is a wise investment?
“If you don’t run your own life, someone else will.”